Peer Reviewed Publications
1. Mendelson, T. C., Gumm, J. M., Ciccotto, P. J., & Martin, M. D. 2018. Male preference for conspecifics evolves earlier than females’ in a sexually dimorphic radiation of fishes. Evolution: 72 (2), 337-347.
2. Becher, C., & Gumm, J. M. 2018. The roles of inter- and intra-sexual selection in behavioral isolation between native and invasive pupfishes (genus Cyprinodon). Current Zoology: 64 (1). *Special column on Male-male Competition and Speciation.
3. Roberts, N. S., Gumm, J. M., & Mendelson, T.C. 2017. Validating the use of video playback in darters (Percidea: Etheostoma) shows species specific response to video stimuli. Animal Behaviour: 131, 107-114.
4. Drew, J. & Gumm, J. M. 2015. Learning and behavior in reef fish: Fuel for microevolutionary change? Ethology: 121, 2-7. **Invited Perspective and Review
5. Black, A. Imhoff, V., Leese, J., Weimann, S., Gumm, J., Richter, M., & Itzkowitz, M. 2014. Attack intensity between two species of territorial damselfish as estimates of competitive overlap with two species of wrasse. Journal of Ethology: 32, 63-68.
6. Ciccotto, P. J., Gumm, J. M. & Mendelson, T. C. 2014. No evidence for size preference in either sex of a dichromatic stream fish, Percina roanoka. Environmental Biology of Fishes: 97, 187-195.
7. Williams, T. H., Gumm, J. M. & Mendelson, T. C. 2013. Sexual selection on a speciation phenotype in darters. Behavioral Ecology: 24 (6), 1407-1414. Willliams & Gumm are Co-First Authors.
8. Ciccotto, P. J., Gumm, J. M., & Mendelson, T. C. 2013. Male preference for conspecifics in the Redband Darter, Etheostoma luteovinctum (Teleostei: Percidae) based on visual cues. Copeia: 1, 154-159.
9. Gumm, J. M. 2012. Sex recognition of female-like sneaker males in the Comanche Springs pupfish, Cyprinodon elegans. Animal Behaviour: 83, 1421-1426.
10. Gumm, J. M., Loew, E. R. & Mendelson, T. C. 2012. Differences in spectral sensitivity within and among species of darters (genus Etheostoma). Vision Research: 55, 19-23.
11. Gumm, J. M., Snekser, J. L., Leese, J. M., Little, K. P., Leiser, J. K., Imhoff, V. E., Westrick, B., & Itzkowitz, M. 2011. Management of interactions between endangered species using habitat restoration. Biological Conservation: 144 (9), 2171-2176.
12. Gumm, J. M. & Mendelson, T.C. 2011. The evolution of multi-component visual signals in darters (genus Etheostoma). Current Zoology: 57 (2), 125-139. **Invited manuscript for special issue on Complex Signaling. Featured on cover.
13. Gumm, J. M., Feller, K. D. & Mendelson, T. C. 2011. Spectral characteristics of male nuptial coloration in darters (Etheostoma). Copeia: 2011 (2), 319-326.
14. Gumm, J. M, Van Breuklen, N. A., Draud, M. & Itzkowitz, M. 2010. Interactions between inter- and intrasexually selected behaviors in the beaugregory damselfish (Segastes leucostictus). Ethology, Ecology, and Evolution: 22 (2), 133-142.
15. Gumm, J. M. & Thaker, M. 2009. Association preferences of unisexual Amazon mollies (Poecilia formosa): differential response to swords based on sex of the bisexual parental species. Behaviour: 106 (7), 907-921.
16. Gumm, J. M., Snekser, J. L. and Iovine, M, K. 2009. Fin-mutant female zebrafish (Danio rerio) exhibit differences in association preferences for male fin length. Behavioural Processes: 80, 35-38.
17. Gumm, J. M., Snekser, J. L. & Itzkowitz, M. 2008. Conservation and conflicts between endangered desert fishes. Biology Letters: 4, 655-658.
18. Gumm, J. M. & Itzkowitz, M. 2007. Pair bond formation and breeding site limitation in convict cichlids. Acta Ethologica: 10, 29-33.
19. Gumm, J. M., Gonzalez, R., Aspbury, A. S. & Gabor, C. R. 2006. Do I know you? Species recognition operates within and between the sexes in a unisexual-bisexual species complex of mollies. Ethology: 112, 448-457.
20. Gumm, J. M. & Gabor, C. R. 2005. Asexuals looking for sex: Conflict in species and mate-quality recognition in Poecilia latipinna (Poeciliidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology: 58, 558-565.
1. Mendelson, T. C., Gumm, J. M., Ciccotto, P. J., & Martin, M. D. 2018. Male preference for conspecifics evolves earlier than females’ in a sexually dimorphic radiation of fishes. Evolution: 72 (2), 337-347.
2. Becher, C., & Gumm, J. M. 2018. The roles of inter- and intra-sexual selection in behavioral isolation between native and invasive pupfishes (genus Cyprinodon). Current Zoology: 64 (1). *Special column on Male-male Competition and Speciation.
3. Roberts, N. S., Gumm, J. M., & Mendelson, T.C. 2017. Validating the use of video playback in darters (Percidea: Etheostoma) shows species specific response to video stimuli. Animal Behaviour: 131, 107-114.
4. Drew, J. & Gumm, J. M. 2015. Learning and behavior in reef fish: Fuel for microevolutionary change? Ethology: 121, 2-7. **Invited Perspective and Review
5. Black, A. Imhoff, V., Leese, J., Weimann, S., Gumm, J., Richter, M., & Itzkowitz, M. 2014. Attack intensity between two species of territorial damselfish as estimates of competitive overlap with two species of wrasse. Journal of Ethology: 32, 63-68.
6. Ciccotto, P. J., Gumm, J. M. & Mendelson, T. C. 2014. No evidence for size preference in either sex of a dichromatic stream fish, Percina roanoka. Environmental Biology of Fishes: 97, 187-195.
7. Williams, T. H., Gumm, J. M. & Mendelson, T. C. 2013. Sexual selection on a speciation phenotype in darters. Behavioral Ecology: 24 (6), 1407-1414. Willliams & Gumm are Co-First Authors.
8. Ciccotto, P. J., Gumm, J. M., & Mendelson, T. C. 2013. Male preference for conspecifics in the Redband Darter, Etheostoma luteovinctum (Teleostei: Percidae) based on visual cues. Copeia: 1, 154-159.
9. Gumm, J. M. 2012. Sex recognition of female-like sneaker males in the Comanche Springs pupfish, Cyprinodon elegans. Animal Behaviour: 83, 1421-1426.
10. Gumm, J. M., Loew, E. R. & Mendelson, T. C. 2012. Differences in spectral sensitivity within and among species of darters (genus Etheostoma). Vision Research: 55, 19-23.
11. Gumm, J. M., Snekser, J. L., Leese, J. M., Little, K. P., Leiser, J. K., Imhoff, V. E., Westrick, B., & Itzkowitz, M. 2011. Management of interactions between endangered species using habitat restoration. Biological Conservation: 144 (9), 2171-2176.
12. Gumm, J. M. & Mendelson, T.C. 2011. The evolution of multi-component visual signals in darters (genus Etheostoma). Current Zoology: 57 (2), 125-139. **Invited manuscript for special issue on Complex Signaling. Featured on cover.
13. Gumm, J. M., Feller, K. D. & Mendelson, T. C. 2011. Spectral characteristics of male nuptial coloration in darters (Etheostoma). Copeia: 2011 (2), 319-326.
14. Gumm, J. M, Van Breuklen, N. A., Draud, M. & Itzkowitz, M. 2010. Interactions between inter- and intrasexually selected behaviors in the beaugregory damselfish (Segastes leucostictus). Ethology, Ecology, and Evolution: 22 (2), 133-142.
15. Gumm, J. M. & Thaker, M. 2009. Association preferences of unisexual Amazon mollies (Poecilia formosa): differential response to swords based on sex of the bisexual parental species. Behaviour: 106 (7), 907-921.
16. Gumm, J. M., Snekser, J. L. and Iovine, M, K. 2009. Fin-mutant female zebrafish (Danio rerio) exhibit differences in association preferences for male fin length. Behavioural Processes: 80, 35-38.
17. Gumm, J. M., Snekser, J. L. & Itzkowitz, M. 2008. Conservation and conflicts between endangered desert fishes. Biology Letters: 4, 655-658.
18. Gumm, J. M. & Itzkowitz, M. 2007. Pair bond formation and breeding site limitation in convict cichlids. Acta Ethologica: 10, 29-33.
19. Gumm, J. M., Gonzalez, R., Aspbury, A. S. & Gabor, C. R. 2006. Do I know you? Species recognition operates within and between the sexes in a unisexual-bisexual species complex of mollies. Ethology: 112, 448-457.
20. Gumm, J. M. & Gabor, C. R. 2005. Asexuals looking for sex: Conflict in species and mate-quality recognition in Poecilia latipinna (Poeciliidae). Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology: 58, 558-565.